Saturday, September 29, 2007


Putting Voices and Faces to the Story

This week my wife Jennifer and I are together for an hour-long interview with Krista Tippett on public radio's Speaking of Faith to talk about autism and the experience of raising our son Morgan.

Both the hour-long show and the unedited two hour raw footage of the entire interview (and I mean entire, right down to a long sound check) are at their website. They've done a beautiful job with the site, including both my own 2005 Times piece on Prozac and autism, Stephen Jay Gould's wonderful essay on his autistic son, and Morgan's own selection of his favorite Youtube videos.

It's the first time that Jennifer and I have been interviewed together. The photo of Morgan (above) was taken by our friend Marc Thomas (yes, the "Uncle Marc" of the book!) in 2002, squarely in the middle of the year covered by Not Even Wrong.

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