Sunday, December 04, 2005


Very, Very Tiny Luggage Labels

Sarah's Books in Bangor, Maine, sends word that they have just started up a book blog, and they already have a fascinating item up about bookseller labels in old books -- as Sarah calls them, "the luggage labels of the book trade":

Note, by the way, that one of these is for Madge Jenison's old Manhattan bookshop Sunwise Turn -- the store immortalized in her 1923 bookselling memoir of the same name, and which also makes a couple cameo appearances in Sixpence House.

I've seen these labels on the inside covers of old books starting around the mid-1800s, and finally disappearing around the 1940s or 50s. Here's a question: why did they come about, and why did they go away? If anyone knows, I'm very curious to find out.

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