Sunday, May 22, 2005


And, er, Eric Clapton is God?

Today's Globe and Mail has a review of Magical Mystery Tours: My Life With the Beatles, by their longtime roadie and aide Tony Bramwell, and commences with a fine anecdote...

1968. John Lennon, recently inspired by LSD, calls an emergency meeting of the Beatles at their Apple headquarters in London.

"I've got something very important to tell you," Lennon says. "I am Jesus Christ. I have come back again. This is my thing."

"Right," responds Ringo Starr, well-used to the eccentricities of this brilliant Beatle. "Meeting adjourned. Let's go have some lunch."

At the restaurant, Lennon, unbowed, is approached by a fan eager to meet John. "Actually, I'm Jesus Christ," he insists. "Well," replies the fan, "I still liked your last record."

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